Bin Zhang
ProfessorCommunication Studies
(360) 596-5452
Office Hours: 4-5 pm ( M-F) Zoom and/or by appointment
21 291F
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL (2015)
Department of Communication Studies
Teaching and Research Interests:
Introduction to Communication Studies
Intercultural Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Globalization Studies
Racial and Ethnic Identity Studies
Visual Rhetoric/Communication Research Methods
East Asian Language and Culture Studies (emphasis in Chinese/China)
M. A.
Northeast Normal University, China. (2008)
Foreign Languages School
Major: Foreign and Applied Linguistics/Critical Intercutlural Studies
Okayama University, Japan (2006-2007, EPOK program)
Grants Received
SPSCC Curriculum Development Pilot Grant for Pathways Contextualization and Integration (2020)
NIEA (Northeast International Education Association) International Curriculum Mini Grant (2016)
Awards and Honors
John T. Warren Memorial Research Award, Communication Studies Department, Southern Illinois University (2014)
Top Paper Award of the Visual Rhetoric Division of the 64th International Communication Association (ICA) (2014)
Recent Academic Publications
Nilanjana, B., & Zhang, B. (2017). A Post/decolonial view of race and identity through the narratives of US international students from the global South. Communication Quarterly, 65(3),285-306.
Zhang, B. (2014). The global-local dialectic in postcolonial approaches to communication studies. Pennsylvania Communication Annual. 70 (3), 91-116.