Erin Rust

Coordinator of Outreach & Rec.
Outreach, Recruitment and Assessment
(360) 596-5331
Office Hours: 8am - 5pm
22 208

“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending” – C.S. Lewis

I really like this qoute because it reminds me that even if we have a rough start, we can always have an impact on how things turn out.

I’m Erin Rust and I am one of the Outreach/Admissions Specialists here at South Puget Sound Community College. I started out at SPSCC as a student working towards her AA degree in hopes to become an editor or maybe to start my own publishing company. My beginnings at SPSCC gave me the confidence and experience I needed to do well in my field (I even had some poetry published in the Percival Review) and prepared me for the work I would accomplish at The Evergreen State College where I earned my BA in Writing and Literature. After graduation I moved into the work of admissions and outreach and now have over 7 years of experience. I am very happy to be here with SPSCC’s Outreach and Admissions team and I’m excited to be working with you. Please consider me a guide through your enrollment process. Reach out to me with any questions that you might have.

Other post-graduation adventures and hobbies include:Completing a novel manuscript; co-founding a publishing cooperative; Blogging; reading; being generally nerdy and somewhat morbid oh… and becoming a Mom!