Jason Selwitz
Dean of Applied TechnologyApplied Technology Division
(360) 596-5409
- Since mid-October 2019, I have served SPSCC as the dean of applied technology.
- From late 2019 to mid-2020, I was a volunteer contributor to the Dept. of Commerce’s Green Economy Work Group. Our joint report of recommendations (on energy, water, land use, and materials) was approved In Sept. 2020 and sent to the WA Legislature: https://www.commerce.wa.gov/about-us/research-services/green-economy/
- Before SPSCC, I worked 8 years for Walla Walla Community College. Most recently, I was the faculty lead for the Energy and Welding programs. In addition to management and teaching water chemistry, solar energy, plant operations, process control, climate science, and biochemical systems courses, I developed a guided pathways approach to the energy program to give students more options and career opportunities (pages 26-29: https://www.cleanenergyexcellence.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Energy-Education-Resource-Guide.pdf)
- During my time at WWCC, I authored and was the founding PI for a five year (2018-2023) S-STEM project funded by NSF to recruit, retain, and place women, under-represented students, and career change seeking adults in applied STEM education and careers (in energy, engineering, water, and agriculture): https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1741982
- I also served on the City of Walla Walla’s Sustainability Committee to advise Public Works/Engineering from 2016-2019. One outgrowth of this work resulted in WSU securing a $2.4MM Dept. of Energy research grant in partnership with the City of Walla Walla Public Works to investigate increasing yields of biogas from wastewater sludge to produce energy for plant operations: https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2019/09/f67/2029-1520_Washington_State_University_Summary.pdf
- I worked with an applied mathematics, engineering, and I-BEST instructor to contextualize mathematics within a fluid dynamics course. It was designated as a quantitative course: https://portal3.wwcc.edu/OCATemplates/mco.html?department=WTM&courseNumber=215
- In terms of education, my PhD (2017) from WSU is in Engineering Science: (scroll down) https://www.acteonline.org/professional-development/high-quality-cte-tools/standards-aligned-and-integrated-curriculum/
- I also earned a MS (2007) from Cal Poly Pomona in Regenerative Studies: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331487481_Multipurpose_Use_of_Microalgae_to_Treat_Municipal_Wastewater_and_Produce_Biofuels
- From 2007-2012, I was the Service-Learning Director and then Program Manager for Green Empowerment. I worked with technical partners in Latin America and Southeast Asia on renewable energy and water projects with rural farming communities, often alongside teams of US university students: https://greenempowerment.wordpress.com/2010/03/05/securing-access-to-clean-water-in-the-developing-world/
- I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Philippines 1998-2000, and co-founded the Palawan Conservation Corps: https://www.facebook.com/palcorps